2023 Troop Cookie Manager Guide
Question: What is the difference between Digital Cookie in Hand and CloverGo? What are the benefits of each system? Where do the payments go for each platform? Digital Cookies In-Hand credit card payment is the preferred system for processing credit card payments for cookies by troops and individual Girl Scouts. Whether through the troop virtual booth or the girl link, when an in-person sale is being made, you would select “Cookies are in hand.” “Cookies in Hand” is the selection you’ll make if taking payment this way at a booth or when delivering cookies that have not yet been paid for. All payments made through Digital Cookie go to the council account and automatically record in eBudde as payment only. Reconciliation is done at the end of the program and balances due through ACH withdrawal may end up being reduced, and in some cases, council may deposit owed proceeds to the troop.
CloverGo is a separate platform that is not integrated with eBudde or Digital Cookie. It uses the CloverGo app.
Once a troop gets set up, the troop and families can use the app to take card payments during order card cookie delivery or at booths. Funds processed through CloverGo are deposited into the troop bank account and must be manually added to eBudde to the individual girl.
Both options offer an OCR system or manual entry of the card number. CloverGo has an additional option to purchase a card reader for a fee, which is covered by the troop.
Question: Is there a separate sign up for Digital Cookie Cookies in Hand? Cookies in Hand is an option within the Digital Cookie app. No additional sign up is required to use this option at the individual girl level. To use it for credit card processing at a booth though, the troop must set up a Digital Cookie virtual booth site. Question: How can we order the Clover card reader if we already have a Clover Go account? Call the dedicated help account for our Clover account and speak to someone over the phone to order the reader. Cupboards and Cookie Storage Question: Where will cupboards be this year? Where will the list of cupboards be? As in years past, many cupboards will continue to operate out of private, volunteer residences with a preference for operating out of non-living spaces, such as garages. Many of the same guidelines as last year are in place, including required pending order and appointment time reservation, As we approach the opening date for Cookie Cupboards, you can find the current list through eBudde, including a cupboard map on your eBudde troop landing page. See pg. 49 for more information about cupboard pickup procedures. Question: Do troop leaders and cookie managers need to enter all parents as cookie pickup volunteers? Only those parents who help pick up cookies at a cookie cupboard need to be listed as pick up volunteers. Trusted adults can also be added to this role throughout the season as the need arises.
Troop Cookie Manager Guide 49
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