2023 Troop Cookie Manager Guide
Submitting Final Rewards: 1. Click on the Rewards tab in eBudde 2. Next to Final Rewards Order, you can click View to see how many rewards each Girl Scout has earned. If there is text in red next to a name, it means there is a reward selection that still needs to be made. Click on the Girl Scout’s name to view the sales data and rewards. You can enter a size or reward selection here. 3. Once all selections have been made, go back to your main rewards screen and click Fill out. Scroll down to review the rewards one last time. 4. Click Submit Reward Order 5. Export/print/save your troop’s initial and final rewards reports to refer to when distributing rewards when they come in
March 27 Troop Late Payment Reports Due Submit a Troop Late Payment Report via the online form for any parent/caretaker who has not paid in full. The formmust be submitted online by March 27. Any parent or volunteer with an outstanding or delinquent balance owed to Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri which has been sent to Collections will have a restriction of No Funds Handling placed on their account. A No Funds Handling restriction prevents the parent or volunteer from participating in any role that is responsible for managing product or funds, including having access to bank accounts. Because unpaid balances can serve to reduce our resources to provide services to girls, we pursue all debts vigorously. Failure to successfully resolve debts in a timely manner can result in prosecution. In the event the troop does not pay their balance owed to Council, it becomes the financial responsibility of the Troop Cookie Manager and Council will complete a late payment report for that individual. Putting in a Troop Late Payment Report isn’t getting someone in trouble; it’s taking the burden off the Troop Cookie Manager. The Finance Dept. will complete the money collection process and the troop’s ACH withdrawal amount would reflect a decrease.
Council works with families in a variety of ways to make good and avoid any fund restrictions; it doesn’t automatically mean being sent to a collection agency.
Troop Cookie Manager Guide 33
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