2023 Troop Cookie Manager Guide
Go Bright Ahead! Every Girl Scout has it in her to do amazing things. With your support, she’ll rise to the challenge!
Thank you for your commitment to nurturing girl ambition—your role as Troop Cookie Manager (TCM) is crucial in the coming months for a successful cookie season and for building the skills that will last her a lifetime. A lot of exciting changes are in store this cookie season—a brand new cookie, an awesome mascot, and some useful tech updates. With your help, Girl Scouts will “Climb with Courage” to new heights, and set their sights on new adventures that the cookie program can help them achieve. This program is more than just a cookie sale; it’s a chance to help Girl Scouts build essential skills for a lifetime of leadership, bring in troop proceeds to fuel eye-opening experiences, and earn fun rewards. Every cookie purchase fuels local Girl Scouts’ adventures throughout the year: exploring what interests them, discovering their passions, and taking action on issues they care about.
Whether they’re using STEM skills to solve a problem, changing a law to help their community, having a courageous outdoor experience, or starting an innovative nonprofit, Girl Scouts build a better future for themselves and the world. They do it all with the help of volunteers like you! Inside this guide, you’ll find an overview of the program and the season’s key dates, plus some tips to start your cookie season right. Thank you for all that you do to support girl entrepreneurship. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your Neighborhood Cookie Manager or your Product Programs Team for assistance.
Yours in Girl Scouting,
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri Product Programs Team
Get Started in Five Steps! Add (or renew) the Troop Cookie Manager role to your membership profile in MyGS tarted in 5 Easy Steps 1.
beginning Dec. 2 2.
Complete Troop Cookie Manager Training in gsLearn
Neighborhood Cookie Manager 3.
Get extra cookie materials needed from your
Set up your eBudde and Digital Cookie accounts in
December 4.
Talk to your Girl Scouts and their families about the program and distribute your troop’s cookie materials 5.
Troop Cookie Manager Guide 3
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