2023 Troop Cookie Manager Guide
Participation Method
What It Means
When It Happens
Let families know their Girl Scout can set up an account through Digital Cookie. Girl Scouts share their unique cookie link via email, social media, local neighborhood sites, and at parent/ adult workplaces. They can add their link or QR code to door hangers or business cards to leave behind at door-to-door sales.
Digital Cookie opens Jan. 7 for girl-delivery and donation orders. The girl-delivery option ends March 12. The donation option is open Jan. 7-March 19. The direct ship option is open Feb. 27- March 19. Shipped orders process within 3-5 business days, then ship to customers via commercial delivery carriers.
Digital Cookie Online Account
Marketing Product Girl Scouts are permitted to accept in-person orders, including door-to-door sales (with proper adult supervision). Online marketing and sales efforts during the cookie program should adhere to the digital marketing guidelines and online safety practices. Sales links should never be shared on online resale sites like Facebook Marketplace or eBay. Please view these
guidelines in Volunteer Essentials at girlscoutsem.org/publications .
Girl Scouts can use the paper form to take in-person orders in their neighborhood, with family and friends, and places of business. When they deliver the cookies, they can collect payment.
Order card sales start Jan. 7.
Order Card Sales
Order cards are due Jan. 29.
After this time, Girl Scouts can continue taking orders with the Goal-Getter order card. Tip: Wait to hand out Goal Getter forms until after the initial order deadline; many troops give out the forms once a Girl Scout hands in the order card.
Packages and Cases Cookies are $5 a package, except S’mores® and
Toffee-Tastic®, which are $6 per package. Packages have varying numbers of cookies depending on variety. A case is 12 packages of cookies. When submitting your troop initial order, your order will automatically round up to full cases of 12 , typically providing troops a few extras to fulfill later orders. Unlike initial order, once Cookie Cupboards open, orders are able to be for full cases or individual packages.
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