2024 GSEM Program Partner Guide
Join Us!
Follow these steps below to become a Program Partner with Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri:
1. Schedule a meeting with us: At the meeting we will discuss all partner opportunities and then develop a plan of action for your organization. To schedule, please contact Abby Muir, Program Manager, Events, Volunteers and Partners at 314.592.2312 or amuir@girlscoutsem.org . 2. Submit Program Partner Agreement annually with payment: Program Partner agreements are renewed annually and valid January 1 through December 31. All events are reviewed and evaluated by Girl Scout Program staff to ensure quality activities, services and compliance with GSUSA’s Safety Activity Checkpoints and aligns with the mission of Girl Scouts.
3. If needed, schedule an on-site visit for any high-risk activities. These activities include, but are not limited to, horseback riding, shooting sports, rock climbing, challenge courses and tree climbing.
4. Plan your program! Once approved, partners can start planning their Girl Scout programs.
Want to see a complete list of current Girl Scout Program Partners? Visit our website at girlscoutsem.org/programpartners.
8 Program Partner Guide
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