2024 GSEM Program Partner Guide
The Girl Scout Difference
Our Girl Scout Leadership Experience is a one-of-a-kind leadership development program for girls, with proven results. It is based on time tested methods and research-backed programming that help girls take the lead—in their own lives and the world. The inclusive, all-female environment of a Girl Scout troop creates a safe space where girls can try new things, develop a range of skills, take on leadership roles and just be themselves. Growing in Girl Scouts: A Lifelong Leadership Journey As a Girl Scout, there are lots of ways for girls to have fun, make friends and do things that have a positive impact on their lives, now and in the future. At every level, Girl Scouts have fun while making the world a better place. Girl Scouts earn badges, join troops, hike and camp and participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program. As they advance through the program, girls can also explore careers in science and technology, travel the world, discover nature and take on projects that transform their communities.
Girl Scout Grade Levels Daisy: K-1 st Brownie: 2 nd -3 rd Junior: 4 th -5 th
Cadette: 6 th -8 th Senior: 9 th -10 th Ambassador: 11 th -12 th
What We Value
Being "good" at everything isn't the goal at Girl Scouts! It's the willingness for youth to put themslves out there and really make an effort that will result in thier fullest, funnest and most successful life, right now and in the future. Our ultimate mission: Building girls of courage, confidence and character, who make the world a better place! From protecting the environment and supporting thier communities to discovering new ideas and skills, girls shine brightest when they work together to create a better, happier tomorrow for all of us.
18 Program Partner Guide
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