2023-2024 Inspire Discovery

Offered to: Junior | Cadette | Senior | Ambassador Grades 4-12 Have you ever wondered if you can eat the berries from the plant in your backyard or the flower while you're on a hike? During this program, you will consult with an expert from Wild Seeds Field Museum and learn about different wild plants that are edible. We will only identify (not pick) plants that are growing at the park, but you will be able to try provided samples. You will also learn about ethics and mindfulness regarding edible and non-edible plants and our natural landscape. Registered adults will also be able to participate in the program. Grades 6-12 FIRST Championship is a culminating, international event for the FIRST robotics season and a celebration of STEM for youth from around the world. Girl Scouts who join us for this adventure will fly to Texas to see all FIRST robotics levels in action, hangout with Girl Scouts from other states, cheer on teams, and so much more during this four-day trip. Price includes flight, hotel and meals for the trip. Location: Forest Park Playscape, 5595 Grand Dr., St. Louis 63112 Offered to: Cadette | Senior | Ambassador

Edible Plant Walk - Finding Our Food! April 17 Start: 6:15 pm End: 8:15 pm $15 per Girl Scout or adult Max Girl Scouts: 20 Max adults: 4 Reg. Deadline: Apr. 3 FIRST Championship Girl Experience Trip April 17-20 $1,000 per Girl Scout or adult Max Girl Scouts: 16 Max adults: 4 Reg. Deadline: Mar. 1 Extreme Adventures -Moonlight Tree Climbing April 20-21 Start: 7 pm End: 9 am

2023-2024 | programs

Location: Houston, Texas

Offered to: Cadette | Senior | Ambassador

Grades 6-12

On this extreme adventure, Girl Scouts will climb in trees at night under a full moon! Tree climbing is facilitated by certified instructors with safety equipment like harnesses and ropes. Girl Scouts do not need to have experience climbing, just a desire to try new things and being comfortable spending time outdoors. Lodging (tents provided by Council) and breakfast will be provided. The Extreme Adventures programs offer 6-12 grade Girl Scouts unique and "extreme" outdoor related opportunities - see pg. 6 for more information about the program.

$60 per Girl Scout Max Girl Scouts: 20 Reg. Deadline: April 6

Location: TBD

Offered to: Junior Grades 4-5

Junior Think Like a Citizen Scientist April 27 Start: 9:30 am End: noon $25 per Girl Scout Max Girl Scouts: 18 Reg. Deadline: April 13

Girls will learn how citizen scientists make observations, collect data, and help scientists conduct scientific research. Then, we’ll apply what we’ve learned by surveying and identifying the living things that call camp home – including flowers, birds, reptiles, mammals and more! Girls will record their findings and share their observations with researchers and scientists using iNaturalist as part of the City Nature Challenge.

Girl Scout Juniors will earn their Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey Award.

Location: Camp Cedarledge, 8501 Girl Scout Rd., Pevely 63070

Offered to: Cadette | Senior | Ambassador Grades 6-12

Cadette, Senior and Ambassador Think Like a Citizen Scientist April 27 Start: 1 pm End: 3:30 pm

Girls will learn how citizen scientists make observations, collect data, and help scientists conduct scientific research. Then, we’ll apply what we’ve learned by surveying and identifying the living things that call camp home – including flowers, birds, reptiles, mammals and more! Girls will record their findings and share their observations with researchers and scientists using iNaturalist as part of the City Nature Challenge. Girl Scouts will earn their Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey Award. Offered to: Daisy Grades K-1 Do you paint or make cartoons? Do you take photos or create games? You might be a maker! Makers are people who turn ideas into art. Art can share a message or express a feeling. Artists might paint, draw, or sculpt. Join us to find out what kind of creative maker you are! Location: Camp Cedarledge, 8501 Girl Scout Rd., Pevely 63070

$25 per Girl Scout Max Girl Scouts: 18 Reg. Deadline: April 13

Daisy Art and Design April 27 Start: 10 am End: 11:30 am $10 per Girl Scout Max Girl Scouts: 20 Reg. Deadline: April 13

Girl Scout Daisies will earn their Daisy Art and Design Badge.

Location: Berges Family Girl Scout Program Center, 2300 Ball Dr., St. Louis 63146

Inspire Discovery 2023-2024


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