2023-2024 Inspire Discovery

Offered to: Daisy Grades K-1

Daisy Roller Coaster Design Feb. 6 Start: 6 pm End: 7:30 pm $10 per Girl Scout Max Girl Scouts: 18 Reg. Deadline: Jan. 23 Bronze Award Training Feb. 6 Start: 6 pm End: 7 pm $0 per Girl Scout Max Girl Scouts: 20 Reg. Deadline: Jan. 23 Silver Award Training Feb. 6 Start: 7:30 pm End: 8:30 pm $0 per Girl Scout Max Girl Scouts: 20 Reg. Deadline: Jan. 23 Brownie Cookie Decision Maker Feb. 7 Start: 6 pm End: 7:30 pm Daisy Climbing Adventure Feb. 8 Start: 5:30 pm End: 7:30 pm $25 per Girl Scout Max Girl Scouts: 25 Reg. Deadline: Jan. 25 AMUSE Journey Feb. 8 and 22 Start: 6 pm End: 7:30 pm $30 per Girl Scout Max Girl Scouts: 50 Reg. Deadline: Jan. 25 $10 per Girl Scout Max Girl Scouts: 24 Reg. Deadline: Jan. 24

Daisies will learn about engineering and motion by building and testing their own roller coaster! Girls will build cars and test how their designs affects its speed on the roller coaster track.

2023-2024 | programs

Girl Scout Daisies will earn their Roller Coaster Design Challenge Badge.

Location: Berges Family Girl Scout Program Center, 2300 Ball Dr., St. Louis 63146

Offered to: Junior

Grades 4-5

This course is for Girl Scout Juniors who are interested in pursuing the Girl Scout Bronze Award. Parents, caregivers and troop leaders are welcome to attend as well. This training will allow girls to learn the steps necessary to complete their Bronze Award project and how to submit their proposal.

Location: Virtual Offered to: Cadette

Grades 6-8

This course is for Girl Scout Cadettes who are interested in pursuing the Girl Scout Silver Award. Parents, caregivers and troop leaders are welcome to attend as well. This training will allow girls to learn the steps necessary to complete their Silver Award project and how to submit their proposal.

Location: Virtual

Offered to: Brownie

Grades 2-3

Decisions, decisions. Selling cookies and helping run a business requires making lots of decisions! During this badge program, Brownies will learn the basics of their cookie business and practice making important decisions about goals, money, and teamwork.

Girl Scout Brownies will earn and receive their Cookie Decision Maker Badge.

Location: Berges Family Girl Scout Program Center, 2300 Ball Dr., St. Louis 63146

Offered to: Daisy

Grades K-1

Climb to new heights with us at Climb So Ill, a rock climbing gym in St. Charles! Daisies will learn how to boulder, which is climbing on a low wall (no more than 6 feet high) without a harness. No prior rock climbing experience needed!

Girl Scout Daisies will earn their Daisy Climbing Adventure Badge.

Location: Climb So Ill, 650 N Main Center Suite 105, St. Charles 63301

Offered to: Junior

Grades 4-5

Juniors will gain an understanding of just how limitless their potential can be as they combine storytelling with the many roles – real and creative – that the world has to offer. Girls will have fun trying on roles and learning about people and the power of real-life action and leadership. Juniors must attend both sessions on Feb. 8 and 22 to complete the Journey. Girl Scout Juniors will complete the AMUSE Journey by earning each of the AMUSE Journey badges.

Location: Virtual

Inspire Discovery 2023-2024


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