2023-2024 Inspire Discovery

through the registries. More information is available in the Troop Participation Guide.

All registered Girl Scouts are expected to participate in April Showers through door to-door distribution, donation collection or Showering the Community. District and Neighborhood Events scheduled for either weekend of April Showers should plan to incorporate April Showers as part of their event plans. Troops camping are expected to participate on the alternate weekend. Based on feedback, we are excited to share some updates to the patch process. All participants will be able to request an event patch or year segment through the Participation Report Form. We will also offer some fun participation incentives this year, more details provided during coordinator training in January We encourage families and friends to participate too! April Showers is a great community service project for the whole family. Non-member insurance will be provided by Girl Scouts for family and friends who volunteer for April Showers. Together we can help empower girls to team up and make the world a better place. Be on the lookout for more information from your Neighborhood April Showers Coordinator.

2023-2024 | discover

April Showers 2024

Girl Scouts, their troop leaders, families and friends can help individuals and families in need by participating in Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri’s largest community service program, April Showers. For 26 years, Girl Scouts, their families and neighbors have collected more than 25 million personal care items. We are excited to be offering the community multiple ways to participate in April Showers. We will again be utilizing online registries in addition to the traditional in-person aspects of the program. Girls will place self-adhesive notes door to-door throughout eastern Missouri the weekend of April 5-7, 2024. The note will encourage households to purchase items and reuse a bag or box of their own for pick up on April 13 or to donate through our online registries. On April 6, girls will be stationed outside of local stores to encourage customers to purchase additional personal care items for donation. All items donated through the online registries will be delivered to our camps. Girls will have the opportunity to assist with counting and sorting items donated

2024 April Showers Dates

Door-to-Door Distribution: April 5-7

Showering the Community: April 6

Donation Collection: April 13

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