2023-2024 Inspire Discovery
Offered to: Daisy Grades K-1 Do you paint or make cartoons? Do you take photos or create games? You might be a maker! Makers are people who turn ideas into art. Art can share a message or express a feeling. Artists might paint, draw, or sculpt. Join us to find out what kind of creative maker you are! Girl Scout Daisies will earn their Daisy Art and Design Badge. Location: Berges Family Girl Scout Program Center, 2300 Ball Dr., St. Louis 63146 Offered to: Brownie Grades 2-3 Do you like to draw or paint? Art shares a message. It can be both beautiful and meaningful. It can solve problems and make a difference. Come and discover all of the amazing ways that you can create works of art! Girl Scout Brownies will earn their Daisy Art and Design Badge. Location: Berges Family Girl Scout Program Center, 2300 Ball Dr., St. Louis 63146 Offered to: Junior Grades 4-5 Art is made to share a message or express emotion. It can inspire people. It can make them think and feel. A painting, sculpture or photograph can change the way you see the world. Join us to learn how to create your own beautiful works of art! Girl Scout Juniors will earn their Daisy Art and Design Badge. Location: Berges Family Girl Scout Program Center, 2300 Ball Dr., St. Louis 63146 Grades K-12 Celebrate our GSEM Robotics Teams and what they've accomplished this season! You'll have the chance to meet some of our teams, learn what they accomplished this year, and see their builds in action. This is a wonderful opportunity for anyone interested in learning more about FIRST and participation through Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri. Location: Berges Family Girl Scout Program Center, 2300 Ball Dr., St. Louis 63146 Offered to: Daisy | Brownie | Junior | Cadette | Senior | Ambassador Offered to: Daisy | Brownie | Junior | Cadette | Senior | Ambassador Grades K-12 Are you curious about what happens behind the scenes at the Girl Scout Service Center— where do all those cookies get stored, who packs the Daisy Drop Boxes and Brownie Bundles, what is the Emerson Resource Center and can I visit the Girl Scout Shop? For this upcoming year, Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri is offering 60-minute tours of the Service Center on Tuesdays each month. Tours are conducted by members of the council’s senior leadership team and provide a tour of the office, overview of council operations, and an opportunity to learn about the Emerson Resource Center and the Girl Scout Shop. They are available for a troop, adult neighborhood members, caregivers, and girl combination(s) and so on. The tours are offered to registered members and it is the responsibility of the group requesting the tour to meet the girl/adult ratio. All participants receive an "I Toured the Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri Service Center" patch, a Girl Scout SWAP and will participate in a sacavenger hunt about the Service Center. Register for these tours in gsEvents and looking for Service Center Tours. Location: Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri Service Center, 2300 Ball Dr., St. Louis 63146
Daisy Art and Design April 27 Start: 10 am End: 11:30 am $10 per Girl Scout Max Girl Scouts: 20 Reg. Deadline: April 13 Brownie Art and Design April 27 Start: 12:30 pm End: 2 pm $10 per Girl Scout Max Girl Scouts: 20 Reg. Deadline: April 13 Junior Art and Design April 27 Start: 3 pm End: 4:30 pm $10 per Girl Scout Max Girl Scouts: 20 Reg. Deadline: April 13
STEM Showcase April 28 Start: 1 pm End: 4 pm $10 per Girl Scout Max Girl Scouts: 100 Reg. Deadline: April 14
May 2024
May Service Center Tours May 7, 14, 21 or 28 Start: 4 pm End: 5 pm OR Start: 5 pm End: 6 pm $0 per Girl Scout/adult Reg. Deadline: Two weeks before tour
86 Inspire Discovery 2023-2024
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