2023-2024 Inspire Discovery
Offered to: Senior | Ambassador Grades 9-12 No matter what you do with your collage, there won't be another just like it in the world. Everything from the materials you choose to how they are assembled, is up to you. Get ready to see the creative possibility in everyday objects. This badge is an opportunity to make art as unique as you are!
Collage Artist March 29 Start: 7 pm End: 9 pm $10 per Girl Scout Max Girl Scouts: 20 Reg. Deadline: March 15
Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors will earn their Collage Artist Badge. Location: Berges Family Girl Scout Program Center, 2300 Ball Dr., St. Louis 63146
Offered to: Daisy Grades K-1
Daisy Shapes in Nature March 30 Start: 9:30 am End: 11 am
Let’s take math out of the classroom and into nature! Daisies will identify shapes and patterns in natural objects, like rainbows, flowers, and leaves and create art inspired by nature.
$10 per Girl Scout Max Girl Scouts: 18 Reg. Deadline: March 16
Girl Scout Daisies will earn their Math in Nature 1: Shapes Badge. Location: Camp Tuckaho, 163 Tuckaho Lane, Troy 63379
Offered to: Brownie Grades 2-3
Brownie Shapes in Nature March 30 Start: noon End: 2 pm $10 per Girl Scout Max Girl Scouts: 24 Reg. Deadline: March 16 Junior Shapes in Nature March 30 Start: 3 pm End: 5 pm $10 per Girl Scout Max Girl Scouts: 24 Max adults: 4 Reg. Deadline: March 16
Brownies will look carefully at nature, track what they see, and create art inspired by natural objects to see that math is all around them! Girls will learn about counting, graphing, symmetry, and tessellations by observing insects, birds, and other natural objects at beautiful Camp Tuckaho.
Girl Scout Brownies will earn their Math in Nature 1: Shapes Badge. Location: Camp Tuckaho, 163 Tuckaho Lane, Troy 63379
Offered to: Junior Grades 4-5
During Junior Shapes in Nature, girls will learn all about patterns, explore patterns found in nature and use math to create their own patterns using symmetry, fractals, and the Fibonacci sequence.
Girl Scout Juniors will earn their Math in Nature 1: Shapes Badge. Location: Camp Tuckaho, 163 Tuckaho Lane, Troy 63379
82 Inspire Discovery 2023-2024
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