2022 Troop Cookie Manager Guide

Digital Cookie Troop Links

Question: How does the Troop Link work on Digital Cookie? Where are those sales counted? How/where do we set up our troop storefront? Answer: Digital Cookie continues to include the option for a troop to set up a troop Digital Cookie link. Many troops utilized these sites last year and received “bonus” orders from customers in their area! A troop link looks like a girl’s site but functions separately from any girl’s individual site. The troop link can be used for things like a troop virtual cookie booth or the Digital Cookies- Cookies in Hand credit card system at booths. The shipped-only versions of Troop Links will be advertised through the Girl Scouts USA National Cookie Finder starting February 18. Sales that come in through the troop link, which is not intended to be a replacement for normal troop cookie activities, will need to be allocated to individual girls in eBudde, like you would for a regular booth. In your eBudde Girls and Girl Orders tabs, you’ll see a “girl” in your list as “troopxxxx.” This “girl” is for the troop link, and any sales that come through the troop link will show up there. The Troop Link shows up under the “parent” side of your Digital Cookie account. When logging in or at the top of the page from your dashboard you’ll have a dropdown menu to choose between “Parent” and “Troop xxxxx”. When acting as the Troop you will be able to access the details on girl sales, girls who have orders to approve and troop reports. When acting as Parent, you’ll be able to set up the site for your own Girl Scout(s) and/or for your Troop Link. All sales links (including the new Troop Link) live on the girl/parent side of the platform so are connected to the parent half of your login. Once activated, access the troop site like you would your own Girl Scout’s Digital Cookie page, finish the setup process and click to publish. Remember to let the girls’ help set up the site and share their cookie goals. The site can be updated as the season goes on, just like a girl’s link. For more information on distributing cookies sold through the troop-link, see h ttps://girlscoutsem.cld.bz/2022-Troop-Cookie-Manager-Guide/25/ . Question: How do I find the girl-delivery URL for my troop Digital Cookie link? Answer: You will see the shipping-only URL on your troop link page. When you go to your troop dashboard (where you manage the digital program for your whole troop), you will see your girl-delivery URL for the troop site. If you cannot find it, simply add “?fpkp=1” to the end of your shipping URL and this turns into your girl-delivery link when that feature has been activated. In order to change the delivery settings for your Digital Cookie Troop Link, navigate to the “My Cookies” tab under the parent view. Question: My troop Digital Cookie site is saying that our link won’t show up in the cookie finder. Why? Answer: It’s likely you’re looking at the girl-delivery link information. If you are looking at the shipped link and it’s before February 18, then this is because the national cookie finder hasn’t yet launched for troop Digital Cookie links. Question: Will girl-delivery troop Digital Cookie links show up on the national cookie finder? Answer: Troop sites that have been set up will only have their shipped link available in the national cookie finder. When you log in as the troop user, on the left side of your screen there will be a Start button to activate that link.

62 Troop Cookie Manager Guide

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