2022 Troop Cookie Manager Guide

Program Timeline


dECEMBER 3-jANUARY 3 Complete Troop Cookie Manager Orientation

Complete your orientation via gsLearn at girlscoutsem.org/cookies . If a volunteer needs assistance accessing gsLearn, please refer them to the Answer Center at 314.400.4600 or answercenter@girlscoutsem.org . The Troop Cookie Manager orientation is a program overview and role introduction. Product Programs staff will provide live webinars throughout the season covering key tasks, such as submitting the Initial Early Order. Neighborhood Cookie Managers may hold neighborhood-specific sessions to provide support as well.

November 23 No Funds Handling

Troop Cookie Managers and Troop Leaders will receive information regarding adults within the troop who have no-funds handling restrictions. Anyone with a no-funds handling restriction cannot be responsible for money or product. Girl Scouts whose primary caregiver has a no-funds handling restriction can still participate in the cookie program if an unrelated adult living at a different address takes responsibility for her orders and product. Girl Scouts can still participate in troop cookie booths.

18 Troop Cookie Manager Guide

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