2022 Program Partner Guide

Greetings! We are excited to provide you and your organization an incredible opportunity to work with Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri as a Program Partner. Our Program Partners are organizations or businesses that have been approved to independently provide Girl Scout programing. Our diverse network of Program Partners offer our more than 30,000 girl members the opportunity for badge workshops, field trips, activities and Journey-based programs. When you choose to offer programming with Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri, you have an opportunity to work with the largest organization for girls in the world—with more than 100 years of expertise in building young leaders who will be our future workforce and community change-makers. Girl Scouts is the preeminent organization dedicated to developing leadership skills in girls and our Program Partners enhance the Girl Scout experience through offering innovative and unique opportunities for discovery.

In this packet, you will find: • The benefits of working with Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri • Safety and logistic information • Information on our leadership program • Program Partner agreement

Questions? Please contact Heather Eyster, Program Manager, at 314.592.2312 or heyster@girlscoutsem.org .

Photos used in this publication were taken before the outbreak of COVID-19 in the United States.

2 Program Partner Guide

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