2022 Program Partner Guide

Set conduct expectations. Participants at a minimum should: • Participate in the digital environment to the same standard as a physical environment, including participating when called on, listening attentively, and minimizing distractions to others • Not share links or passwords for program meetings with those who aren’t registered for the program • Request help when needed • Mute when not talking. Consider muting all program participants and having the program facilitator unmute individually as necessary. The safety of our girls is always top priority. Please read the safety guidelines below: Program Partners should not be the only adult online. Girl Scouts have adult-to-girl ratios that must be met for all Girl Scout activities. The number of required adults varies based on age and number of girls, but the minimum is always two unrelated adults. This can be met by program facilitators and/or parents/guardians in the room with their girl. Ratio requirements can be found at girlscoutsem.org/en/for-volunteers/ VolunteerEssentials/Safety.html .

• Whether using Zoom or other platforms, utilize the following security features: ǔ Have a registration process to account for who is in the room ǔ Use a random meeting ID versus a personal meeting ID for each program ǔ Disable join Zoom before host and utilize waiting room options ǔ Disable screen sharing by non-hosts

ǔ Disable the chat and group messaging features to limit communication to only between participant and host ǔ Do not record session without previous parent/ guardian consent ǔ Become familiar with the security features of the platform being used ǔ Use a password for program sessions • While your organization may be offering programming activities, you cannot “take supervision” of children in a virtual setting. Therefore, it is important to communicate the following with parents/guardians: ǔ Share supervision expectations and ask parents/ guardians to acknowledge that they understand these expectations ǔ Share room/space expectations. If doing physical activities, it is important to ask parents/guardians to evaluate the space being used in the home to make sure it is free from hazards. ǔ Inform parents/guardians of the settings/materials needed to complete program activities ǔ Encourage parents/guardians to be aware of their child’s online activities

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