2022 Camp Adventure Guide
Fold In 8.375x11 • Cut out your Flat Adventurefuls from the 2022 Camp Adventure Guide • Take your Flat Adventurefuls with you on your adventures from Jan. 6 – Jan. 28. This could be at school, at a friend’s house, a shopping trip or during a fun activity at home! • Take a photo of you and your Flat Adventurefuls while on your adventure. See examples from our Girl Scout Camp and Product Programs teams below! • Share your photo on social media to spread the word about Adventurefuls: • Post your photo to Facebook or Instagram with a caption about your adventure. • Tag Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri on Facebook or Instagram and in your post use the hashtags #FlatAdventurefuls and #gsemAdventurefuls • Tag a friend who you think should try the new Adventurefuls cookies this cookie season • After you’ve posted, be sure to email your pictures and contact information to communications@girlscoutsem.org . Each photo counts as one contest entry. Limit two per day. Posting the same photo twice will be counted as one contest entry. • Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri staff will vote on their favorite photos and the top three with the largest number of votes will win a camp and cookie swag bag! Flat Adventurefuls Contest
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