2022 Camp Adventure Guide

Troop Camp Training Behind every fun and enriching Troop Camp experience is an adult who is well-versed in how to make the outing safe and memorable. Adult volunteers who plan to camp with girls on or off Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri-owned property must be Troop Camp Certified. Troop Camp certification courses ensure adult volunteers know how to plan a Troop Camping experience that everyone enjoys. All adults attending training and/or orientation must be registered members with a background check.

Troop Camp Blitz Girls and their leaders are invited to come to Troop Camp Blitz, an enriching weekend where they can explore the outdoors, practice leadership, have fun and make memories. This event is for adults with girls, as well as adults attending alone. Girls must be registered Girl Scout Daisies through Juniors. There will be an in-town training session before the weekend at the Girl Scout Service Center. This training session is for adults only. Participants must attend both the in-town training session and the at-camp training session in their entirety to receive their Troop Camp certification. Trainees will receive one coupon per troop for a free weekend at camp based on availability. Only one coupon per troop may be redeemed.





Other Info

In-Town Session (Adults Only)

Fee: $30 adults Fee: $65 girls

W 4/20

6-9 pm

Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri Service Center 63146

and At-Camp Session (Girls and Adults) F-Su 4/29-5/1

6:30-7:30 pm, F-10 am, Su Camp Fiddlecreek 63055

For questions about Troop Camp trainings, please contact Shaun Lindhoff at 314.400.4628 or slindhoff@girlscoutsem.org .

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