2022-2023 Volunteer Essentials
Cookie booths—that is, cookie pop-up sales in areas with lots of foot traffic—are a fun way for Girl Scouts to connect with their community and practice their sales pitch with new customers. Booth locations must be approved by councils, facilitated within council jurisdiction, and participants must follow all council guidelines regarding setting up, running, and taking down a booth. Please check your local COVID-19 guidelines for any restrictions on booth locations and other safety considerations, or consider a virtual cookie booth or virtual cookie rally if it makes sense for your troop. Volunteers should refer to the Troop Cookie Manager Guide for council-specific cookie booth guidelines and best practices. Create a great cookie booth experience for your Girl Scouts by: • Using your best judgment in setting up cookie booths in locations that will be open, accessible, and safe for all Girl Scouts and potential customers. • Choosing a high traffic area—this could be your local supermarket, mall, or park—where you’ll maximize the number of visitors to your booth. • Checking out your booth site ahead of the sale. Talk to business owners in the area so they’ll know what to expect. Find out what security measures are in place—these may include lights for evening sales and whether a security camera watches the booth area— and where the nearest bathrooms are located. • Respecting the surrounding businesses by making sure your booth isn’t blocking a store entrance or exit. Encouraging your Girl Scouts to unleash their creativity—and work on their advertising skills—to make colorful signs and booth decorations that potential customers can’t resist! Remind girls to be polite and to have their sales pitch ready for interested customers. And keep in mind: • A minimum of two volunteers (at least one of whom is a registered Girl Scout volunteer with the required background check), and one Girl Scout should be always present at the booth. With two or more volunteers, you’ll have adequate booth coverage if the girls need to be accompanied to the restroom. • If your Daisies are still learning how to make correct change, help them handle money as needed. But remember that girls make all sales at the booth! • Changing your cookie booth hours or location? Keep your customers in the loop and update your baker’s Digital Cookie or Smart Cookie system with the new details. All scheduled booths are available on the Cookie Finder App (IOS or Android). • Certain locations may be inappropriate for younger Girl Scouts based on the standards of your local community, may negatively impact the cookie program experience for girls, and/or may negatively impact our brand in your community. For additional clarity, girls should not sell in or in front of establishments that they themselves cannot legally patronize.
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