2022-2023 Volunteer Essentials

provide group meeting places, volunteer their time, offer in-kind donations, provide activity materials, or loan equipment. Encourage your girls to celebrate a sponsor’s contribution to the troop by sending thank-you cards, inviting the sponsor to a meeting or ceremony, or working together on a Take Action project. For information on working with a sponsor, consult your council, which can give you guidance on the availability of sponsors, recruiting guidelines, and any council policies or practices that must be followed. Your council may already have relationships with certain organizations or may know of some reasons not to collaborate with certain organizations. In-Kind Donations Girls cannot ask for donations of money. However, girls and adults may seek in-kind donations of products to support a troop or subordinate unit activity, Award Project or service project. Examples of in-kind donations include, but are not limited to paint, flowers for corsages and craft supplies. If a donor requests a gift receipt, and the product donation is valued at $250 or more, please send the following information to fund.development@girlscoutsem.org or mail to Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri, Attn: Fund Development, 2300 Ball Drive, St. Louis, MO 63146: Monetary Donations/Volunteer Hour Match Program Unsolicited donations may be directed to a specific troop up to $250 total per year. All monetary donations must be turned into council with the troop number and donor’s contact information for tax acknowledgement. Once the gift is processed, council will confirm the troop has not exceeded the $250 cap and forward the donation to the designated troop. Any funds exceeding the $250 cap will be retained to support council-wide programming for all troops. For example, a troop that has received a total of $300 in monetary donations during one Girl Scout year would receive $250 and Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri would retain the difference equaling $50. All monetary donations exceeding the $250 cap must be accompanied by the donor form, located on girlscoutsem.org and sent to the council. Remember, girl members may not engage in any direct solicitation for money. Girl Scout volunteers may apply for their company’s volunteer hour match program to receive monetary donations for their troops. Many employers recognize the hours employees spend volunteering for Girl Scouts with cash contributions. Volunteers may check with their employer’s human resources office or visit girlscoutsem.org/match to see if their company offers a volunteer hour match program. Volunteers who apply for a match must list the designated troop on the employer’s form and 1. A comprehensive itemized list of products or services secured 2. Full contact information of the donors 3. Full contact information of troop

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