2022-2023 Volunteer Essentials

Girl Scout Ambassadors (Grades 11–12)





A Girl Scout Daisy troop may only participate in a volunteer-led overnight experience with a registered adult leader and one parent/guardian for each Girl Scout Daisy. Girls who have completed kindergarten may independently participate in Day Camp and Overnight Camp experiences, lasting up to three nights. Girls who have completed first grade may independently participate in Overnight Camp experiences lasting four or more nights. Camping At Girl Scouts we believe the value of the outdoor experience in a girl’s life is beyond measure. When a girl spends time in nature, she learns cooperation and team building as she develops the skills needed to grow into a leader of courage, confidence and character. A camping experience of less than one week in duration that takes place within, or no more than 100 miles beyond Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri boundaries, is considered Troop Camping. If the trip is more than 100 miles beyond Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri boundaries, use the Troop Trip Application process. Troops must obtain permission from the Camping Services department before camping on non-council owned sites, except for overnight backyard camping. Backyard camping does not require a Troop Camp certification. • Complete the Application for Camping on Non-Council owned sites and submit to the Senior Manager, Risk Management at council at least one month prior to the date of departure. This form is located on the council website • Troops camping on non-council-owned property must have at least one registered, background checked and approved adult volunteer who is a licensed Troop Camper • A certified First Aider (a registered, approved adult volunteer certified in Adult and Pediatric First Aid, CPR/AED must accompany the troop when the destination is less than 30 minutes away from EMS • For destinations where access to EMS is 30 minutes or more, an individual certified in Wilderness First Aid is required • Unless the troop is camping at a Missouri State Park, Girl Scouts must have a Certificate of Insurance (COI) on file for the property used for the activity. If the property used does not currently have a COI on file, please submit a copy when submitting the application for camping • Applications submitted to council must be signed by the District or Neighborhood Manager • After the Senior Manager, Risk Management has received your application, you will receive a Non-Council Owned Camp Approval Response indicating the status of the trip approval Application process for Troop Camping on non-Council owned sites:

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