2021 Reflections Ceremony
Ashley Early
Katie Eisenman
District 4, Troop 1576 Francis Howell Central High School 15 years in Girl Scouts As a part of the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), Ashley recognized the need for emergency plans during a disaster. Ashley created a website where she provides information on eight different disasters, how to stay safe during each emergency and a list of necessary items for a disaster kit. District 9, Troop 2892 Marquette Catholic High School 13 years in Girl Scouts Emily worked to create a positive and permanent change in her community when she added three new programs to the St. Stephen's Food Pantry. Individuals visiting the pantry now have opportunities for free birthday bags, school supplies and health screenings.
District 7, Troop 2656 Ladue Horton Watkins High School 12 years in Girl Scouts As a lifelong Girl Scout and avid chess player, Eisenman used her passions to create a chess club of her fellow peers who visit senior centers to play board games. Eisenman and her club visit residents one to two times a month to provide social interaction.
Emily Fazio
Kaitlin Fritsche
District 14, Troop 4897 Timberland High School 11 years in Girl Scouts
Kaitlin knew she wanted to do her part to protect bats, an endangered species in her community, to earn her Gold Award. So, Kaitlin built 25 multi- chamber bat houses using recycled wood and placed them in trees surrounding the outdoor classroom at her high school.
Morgan Holladay
Alayna Jenkins
District 14, Troop 4897 Fort Zumwalt South High School 13 years in Girl Scouts As a lifelong Girl Scout and passionate softball player, Morgan knew she wanted to work with Special Olympics Missouri to earn her Gold Award. Morgan organized a clinic where she taught players softball drills and skills and worked with coaches to share her experience.
District 4, Troop 402 Orchard Farms High School 12 years in Girl Scouts This remarkable Girl Scout organized a biomedical science summer camp for 30 elementary students. Alayna's STEM summer camp highlighted the science of medicine and inspiring potential career paths with fun and interactive activities for the campers.
Gold Award Girl Scouts with a Trefoil next to their name have earned all three of Girl Scouting's highest awards: the Girl Scout Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards.
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