2021 Reflections Ceremony
2020 Girl Scout Gold Award
Girls who pursue their Gold Award aspire to transform an idea and vision for change into an actionable plan with measurable, sustainable and far-reaching results. Those honored today are part of an elite group of women who used their knowledge, talent and leadership skills to improve the world around them. A young woman who has earned her Gold Award is a community leader in the truest sense. Her accomplishments reflect outstanding leadership and civic duty. Earning the Gold Award represents the culmination of at least 80 hours of work on a Take Action Project that leaves a sustainable, lasting benefit on the girl's larger community, locally or globally.
Rebecca Bauer
Ciara Beckemeier
District 6, Troop 2440 Kirkwood Senior High School 11 years in Girl Scouts After volunteering at a local animal shelter, Rebecca recognizes the need for donated supplies. So, Rebecca organized a donation drive to collect toys and food for Needy Paws Rescue in her neighborhood.
District 18, Troop 4932 Winfield High School 14 years in Girl Scouts
As a lifelong Girl Scout and spiritual believer, Ciara wanted to share her experience, so she designed faith-based materials for elementary students. Ciara planned three lessons and prepared a presentation and pamphlet for the youth group of First Baptist Church.
Samantha Bertier
Taylor Boaz
District 8, Troop 1668 Parkway Central High School 12 years in Girl Scouts Samantha researched, built and painted two sandboxes and easels out of pipes and storage bins for the children at Parkway Baptist Preschool. Samantha recognized play is crucial for healthy development in children and wanted to do her part to better the playground.
District 7, Troop 3486 Parkway Central High School 12 years in Girl Scouts Taylor filmed a video on Allergy and Asthma awareness to educate her peers on these conditions' importance. Taylor interviewed three doctors who covered background information, triggers and how someone can help during a situation. Taylor posted her video to YouTube.
Gold Award Girl Scouts with a Trefoil next to their name have earned all three of Girl Scouting's highest awards: the Girl Scout Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards.
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