2021 April Showers Troop Guide
COVID-19 GUIDELINES Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri may modify this guidance from time to time as circumstances change. All COVID-19-related resources can be found on GSEM’s Forms page. Any changes will be communicated to membership via email and website. It is important to understand and respect family comfort level with girls’ in-person April Showers participa- tion. If girls are unable to participate in door-to-door distribution or collection, encourage them to find ways to promote the online registry and April Showers program. In-person Participation Guidelines • Participants must follow the “Troop Meeting and Volunteer-Led Activity Protocol” found in GSEM’s COVID-19 Response Guidelines when planning and determining adult and girl participation • Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri requires all participants to wear cloth face coverings when indoors, and outdoors when social distancing cannot be maintained, for any participant age 2 and older • The COVID-19 Screening tool should be completed by all girls and adults participating in April Showers • Participants should wash hands often, particularly during the collection and sorting of donated items • Social distancing should be practiced when possible. Put six feet of distance between yourself and peo- ple who do not live in your household in both indoor and outdoor spaces • Due to the nature of the event, it may be necessary to not participate as a troop to adhere to maximum gathering limits. Troops can divide up territory into small groups or individual families • If sorting needs to be done, pre-sort at a location where you can limit group size to meet current guide- lines before taking donations to your designated collection site Collection Site Guidelines • If possible, have only 1-2 adults drop off donations for the troop at your designated collection site o If children are present, please have them remain in the vehicle during donation drop off • If another troop is dropping off at your designated collection site, please remain in your vehicle until they leave the site o A volunteer working the collection site will let you know when it is safe to get out of your vehicle • Avoid gathering at collection sites. Drop off donations at your designated collection site and do not linger Reporting a positive COVID-19 test In the event of a COVID-19 positive test result within a member’s household, promptly contact Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri’s Senior Manager of Risk Management, Jen Robertson, jrobertson@girlscoutsem.org , to receive explicit guidance.
A Council staff member and NOT volunteers, will be responsible for: • Confirming and tracing the positive individual
• Contacting anyone, or the parents/caregivers of anyone, who may have been exposed • Notifying a facility where a troop has met and alerting the state department of health
2021 Troop Guide 9
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