2022 Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri COVID-19 Protocol
The below information was updated in the GSEM COVID-19 Response Guidelines dated 1.28.2022. The information below and the guidelines dated 1.28.2022 supersede all previous editions of the GSEM COVID-19 Response Guidelines.
COVID-19 is an extremely contagious virus that spreads easily in the community. We must take all reasonable precautions to limit potential exposure for girls, volunteers and families.
The risk associated with COVID-19 pandemic continues to change as infection rates rise and fall in different areas throughout the country. There may be regional differences or developments since this guidance was published. Continue to follow local and national directives. Discuss plans with families and fellow volunteers. This guidance is being provided as of the effective date listed on the cover of this publication. Guidelines are reviewed frequently. Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri may modify this guidance, from time to time as circumstances change and will post updates on its website. Consider the personal situation of your girls: • Do they live with an immune compromised person that they can put at risk? If so, perhaps make other accommodations for her with her parents/caregivers • Have the families been isolating, and free from contagion? If so, the troop may essentially be a safe bubble
One volunteer must be assigned to ask and document the responses to the screening checklist of all participants upon arrival. This record must be kept confidentially with health forms and permission slips. All COVID-19-related documentation, such as (but not limited to) the Participant Screening Tools/Logs, should be securely retained for a minimum of 90 days after the Girl Scout activity for which they were completed. As always, troop leaders should retain annually a copy of the Girl Health History & Annual Permission Form, including the additional COVID-19 Girl Health History Addendum, for every girl in their troop. This volunteer must serve as the point of notification for any post-meeting COVID-19 related incident. Upon notice, this volunteer must contact Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri’s Senior Manager, Risk Management, Dan Sise at dsise@girlscoutsem.org , to receive explicit guidance.
In addition to the guidelines set forth by Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri, participants should follow all the specific rules or guidelines of the meeting, program, event location or host site.
4 COVID-19 Response Guidelines
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