2022 Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri COVID-19 Protocol
Troop Meeting and Volunteer-Led Activity Protocol
Permission to Attend A girl, parent/caregiver, or volunteer (or member of their household) must meet certain participation parameters before attending a Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri in-person meeting or gathering. Turn to pg. 5 for a comprehensive list of participation parameters. Reporting and Communicating a Positive COVID-19 Test In the event of a COVID-19 positive test result within a member’s household, promptly contact Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri’s Senior Manager, Risk Management, Dan Sise, dsise@girlscoutsem.org , to receive explicit guidance. A Council staff member and NOT volunteers, will be responsible for: • Confirming and tracing the positive individual • Contacting the parents/caregivers of anyone who may have been exposed (or other volunteers) • Notifying a facility where a troop has met
Adult Education Classes
Let other volunteers know that council staff, NOT volunteers, will notify parents/ caregivers and others about a positive test result and that the individual’s identity is confidential. Remember that girl and volunteer health information is private and strictly confidential and should only be shared on a need-to-know basis with a Council staff member.
Thank you for doing your part to keep our Girl Scout community safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.
12 COVID-19 Response Guidelines
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